National Pollution Prevention Day is observed on 2nd December in India. This day is observed in the memory of people who lost their lives in the Bhopal gas calamity. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in the year 1984 on the night of 2–3 December. Many people died due to the poisonous gas Methyl Isocyanate also known as MIC. Bhopal Gas Tragedy is considered one of the biggest industrial pollution disasters.
Do You Know?
7 million people die every year due to air pollution.
The National Health Portal of India data reveals that around 7 million people die every year due to air pollution. The data also reveals that nine out of ten people globally do not have access to clean and safe air.

The main objectives of the day are to spread awareness on managing and controlling industrial disasters, prevent the pollution produced by industrial processes or human negligence, to make people and industries aware of the importance of pollution control acts. The day also aims to bring awareness to people about the prevention of air, soil, noise, and water pollution.
Facts about air pollution:
- Nine out of ten people worldwide do not breathe safe air.
- Air pollution kills 7 million people every year globally, 4 million of whom die from indoor air pollution.
- A microscopic pollutant (PM 2.5) is so tiny that it can pass through mucus membrane and other protective barriers to damage the lungs, heart, and brain.
- The key pollutants include particulate matter, a mix of solid and liquid droplets arising from fuel combustion, nitrogen dioxide from road traffic; ozone at ground level, caused by the reaction of sunlight with pollutants from industrial facilities and vehicle emissions; and sulfur dioxide, and invisible gas from burning fossil fuels like coal.
- Children and old persons are highly affected by air pollution.
- Air pollution is also responsible for climate change.

Ways to limit breathing polluted air:
- Limit walking on busy streets during rush hour, and if you have a young child with you, try and lift them up above the level of vehicle exhausts.
- Don’t burn waste as the smoke that results in damages the health.
- Promote the use of renewable energy.
- Enhance plantations such as urban forests and green roofs for reducing pollution in urban areas.
- Turn of lights and electronics not in use.

Why National Pollution Control Day is celebrated?
One of the leading factors of celebrating the national pollution control day every year is to manage and control Industrial disasters as well as prevention of the pollution (created by the industrial processes or manual negligence) of water, air, and soil. Varieties of laws are declared by the Government all over the world in order to 2nd December – National Pollution Prevention Day seriously controls and prevent pollution. National pollution control day is celebrated every year on the 2nd of December to make aware the people and most importantly to aware the industries about paying great attention to the need for Pollution Control Acts.

Combating pollution
The advancements made in the technology of pollution monitoring can be used to keep a tab on industrial units for emissions and effluents discharged into the environment. Targeted action through the use of data can be done to check industrial emissions. Better enforcement of environmental laws is needed to ensure no repeat of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
A robust push towards cleaner and greener technology in the fields of mobility, electricity generation and consumption, water supply, industrial manufacturing, etc. is another step in combating pollution.
National Pollution Control Day can be counted as an occasion for policymakers and the public to discuss the issue at large and explore new ideas in the fight against pollution.

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- www.gcpcenvis.nic.in/CelebrateDays/
- cpcbenvis.nic.in/Environment_legislation.html
- envfor.nic.in/division/environment-protection
- cpcb.nic.in/Introduction/
- breathelife2030.org/news/infographic-library/